Tech world is deepening from Product Engineering to Service Engineering

Posted: July 31, 2011 in Technology
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Technology world is moving gradually from one trends to another, and in a past few years we witnessed of this rapid progress. The gradual shift in the conception of IT from a product engineering to a service engineering is one of the most widely discussed trends that have emerged in the wake of the recent circumstances that have befallen the market. The concept of service engineering is not a new thing for world, this is a well accepted and profitable approach in industry. For example if we need a videography for any function then instead of purchasing of costlier videography equipment we prefer to go with service provider.

This paradigm shift is changing the way we develop and use software and hardware. Service Engineering exploits services as the fundamental elements for software industry. It has been applied to various areas and promotes fundamental changes to system architecture. Recently, cloud computing further expands the scope of Service Engineering to include new subjects such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), IT as a Service (ITaaS) and Testing as a Service (TaaS).

Element of Service Engineering

This service engineering offerings are basically a concept of combining several developed product service and offer a customized service to customer. In this model Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Service Oriented Enterprise (SOE), Service Oriented Infrastructure (SOI), Web Services (WS) standards and several protocols are emerged for providing the solid foundation.

In a product engineering business company’s main focus is to sell the developed product to customers, as opposed to service engineering business where company’s main focus is to perform a labour task and provide a customer oriented services. In service oriented model no capital investment is required as the service provider provide the infrastructure and software service as rent. In this approach customer only have to pay as per uses and for the number of users who would actually use the software services. This is the win-win situation for bothiON service by TCS customer and service provider. Most of the company are moving into this business model, like iON service by TCS. This iON services provide the IT infrastructure as a service to customer. IT as a Service is an innovative service model delivering a bouquet of products and services on-demand. That means it allows customer to choose what is relevant to there present needs from an integrated suite of hardware, network, and software solutions. Customers only pay subscription charges for actual uses.


  1. Nicely said and with wonderful timing

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